From simple upgrades to meticulous landscaping projects and replacing an outdated roof, there are dozens of options to enhance the appearance of your home's exterior. Improvements don't need to break the bank or take a year to complete. By focusing on three simple areas, you can change the entire look of your home that you'll appreciate every time you pull into your driveway.
1. Landscaping
The key to curb appeal is balancing what makes you happy with what works in your community. Take a moment to observe the types of trees, plants and flowers in your surroundings and look for ways to incorporate them into your yard.
Planting flowers is one of the easiest, most cost-effective ways to make an impact. Flowers along the sidewalk, in front of the house, inside flower boxes, pouring out of hanging baskets, or even in berms and raised garden beds, provide a giant boost to your curb appeal. Exercise your creativity by combining plants of different height, texture and color in the same container. By sticking to perennial plants native to your environment, you will not have to worry about replanting every year.
2. Roofing
Redesigning the style and color of your roof is a dramatic and effective strategy for improving curb appeal.
"Your roof accounts for 50 percent of your home's exterior," says Stephen McNally, vice president of sales and marketing for TAMKO Building Product, Inc. "Updating the shingles on your roof is going to make a huge impact on the overall appearance of your home - take advantage of it."
Start by evaluating roofing choices for compatibility with your existing siding as well as the style of your home. If your home has a busy exterior with more than one contrasting color, try adding a classic, rustic color like TAMKO's weathered wood. The shingle's subtle blends of color and wood-like appearance complements nearly any exterior paint color.
If your home's exterior is a more neutral shade, try adding a vibrant colored shingle to stand out in your neighborhood. TAMKO has a large selection of classic and vibrant shingle colors and styles to meet any need. To learn more visit www.tamko.com.
3. Paint
Whether you're updating your color scheme or applying a fresh coat, painting is an easy way to update your home's look from the street in a big way. Depending on your budget, this project can be big or small. To make the most significant impact, consider painting the entire house. This will bring new life to paint that has lost its luster or possibly a new palette of color to incorporate into your yard. Although this project can call for a larger investment, the result will pay off in the end.
If your budget is more limited, focus on the areas that catch the eye. Give shutters and trim a fresh coat of paint, or paint the front door a bright shade of red or blue.
You don't have to make a large investment to make a large impact. Focusing on key areas of your home's exterior will refresh the entire appearance of the home and provide a facelift that's within your reach.
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